Who we are?Kas mēs esam?

SIA “Media Solutions” is a custom software development company providing software development and consulting services. Our team comprises of highly experienced and skilled IT consultants, analysts, UI experts, design engineers and software engineers. Our experts can customize most types of web applications and systems including: order management systems, booking systems, CRM, web portals, E-commerce websites, LMS / e-learning solutions, recruitment platforms, accounting software integrations etc. The development of reliable and scalable software solutions for any OS, browser and device. We bring together deep industry expertise and the latest IT advancements to deliver custom solutions and products that perfectly fit the needs and behavior of their users. SIA “Media Solutions” ir programmatūras izstrādes uzņēmums, kas sniedz programmatūras izstrādes pakalpojumus un konsultācijas. Mūsu komandā ir ļoti pieredzējuši un kvalificēti IT konsultanti, analītiķi, UI speciālisti, dizaineri un programmatūras inženieri. Mūsu eksperti ir spējīgi nodrošināt web-aplikāciju un sistēmu izstrādāšanu, iekļaujot: pasūtījumu pārvaldības sistēmas, rezervēšanas sistēmas, CRM, e-komercijas vietnes, e-apmācības risinājumi, personāla atlases platformas, grāmatvedības programmatūras integrācija utt. Uzticamu un pielāgojamu programmatūras risinājumu izstrādi jebkurai OS, pārlūkprogrammai un ierīcei. Mēs apvienojam mūsu dziļas nozares zināšanas un jaunākos IT sasniegumus, lai piedāvātu ideālus risinājumus un produktus, kas pilnībā atbilstu viņu lietotāju vajadzībām un uzvedībai.


Native App DevelopmentNatīvo mobilo aplikāciju izstrāde

When a company is faced with the issue of mobile app development, at SIA "Media Solutions" we offer our customers a native mobile development, as it allows delivering the best customer service and gives wider options for post-MVP development.SIA "Media Solutions" izstrādās dažāda līmeņa natīvo mobilo aplikāciju uz visām platformām, kas ļaus veikt klientu apkalpošanu augstākajā līmenī un plašas iespējas aplikācijas turpmākai uzlabošanai un modifikācijai.

Mobile App DevelopmentMobilo aplikāciju izstrāde

Going mobile will help your business streamline operations, bring value to the demanding modern customers, and help you tackle Big Data. Whether it is your first app or fifth, our decade-long expertise in mobile app development will help you succeed with your mobile strategy.Mobilo aplikāciju izstrāde ir uzskatāma par nozīmīgu ieguldījumu uzņēmuma atpazīstamības viecināšanā. Mobilā lietotne jeb aplikācija uzlabo pakalpojuma vai produkta pievienoto vērtību, sniedzot lietotājam noderīgu funkcionalitāti. Mēs palīdzēsim jums paaugstināt jūsu vērtību!

ChatBot DevelopmentČatbotu izstrāde

Get full cycle of chatbot development services to revolutionize the way businesses interact with customers and streamline interactions. Save up to 60% of development cost and also get state-of-art infrastructure, experienced team and latest technologies development.Iegūstiet pilnu čatbota izstrādes pakalpojumu ciklu, lai mainītu veidu, kādā jūsu uzņēmums mijiedarbojas ar klientiem. Ietaupiet līdz 60% no attīstības izmaksām un iegūstiet vismodernāko infrastruktūru, pieredzējušu komandu un jaunāko tehnoloģiju.

Digital MarketingDigitālais mārketings

At SIA “Media Solutions”, we perform the job of promoting your business online. There are different search engines available on the internet. We incorporate certain specialized strategies like SEO for their better visibility and content of your websites to make it more attractive and give a better UX/UI feel top the users.Digitālais mārketings ir mūsdienās būtisks elements, lai uzņēmums darbotos savā pilnajā potenciālā. Mēs palīdzēsim izplānot un izpildīt digitālo mārketingas stratēģiju, lai nodrošinātu jūsu preču un pakalpojumu redzamību un padarītu to pievilcīgāku lietotājiem.

Software MaintenanceProgrammatūras uzturēšana

SIA "Media Solutions" software maintenance services ensure all-round support – from impartial software assessment & consulting to 24/7 IT system maintenance. Our dedicated software maintenance team stays in line with the cutting-edge technology tendencies, which ensures maximum uptime of your application and its dynamic compliance with the industry standards. SIA "Media Solutions" programmatūras uzturēšanas pakalpojumi nodrošina visaptverošu atbalstu - no konsultēšanas līdz pastāvīga atbalsta pakalpojumiem. Mūsu profesionālā programmatūras uzturēšanas komanda seko jaunāko tehnoloģiju tendencēm, kas nodrošina programmatūras stabilitāti un tās atbilstību nozares standartiem.

UI/UX DesignUI/UX Dizains

We craft UI/UX Design that works and solves real problems via products and delightful user experience Easy to use and delightful to interact with – this is a design that works. At SIA "Media Solutions" we design user interfaces that are attractive, functional, and enjoyable. The rationality is simple – a product that people enjoy using drives business results.Viegli lietojams un patīkams - tas ir dizains, kas darbojas. Mēs izstrādājam UI/UX dizainu, kas darbojas un risina problēmas, izmantojot intuitīvu un pozitīvu lietotāja pieredzi. SIA "Media Solutions"projektē pievilcīgas un funkcionālas lietotāju vides. Mūsu galvenā pārliecība - produkts, kuru cilvēki labprāt izmanto, uzlabo biznesa efektivitāti.


We are always looking for talented developers to join our team. We have created and nurtured a diverse work environment that encourages openness, curiosity, and experimenting. We love talking to new people, tinkering with their new ideas and discovering new possibilities. We are creative and take the initiative at everything we do. Become a valuable part of the SIA “Media Solutions” team of creators and innovators! Send us information about yourself and your skills through the contact form below.Mēs vienmēr meklējam talantīgus speciālistus, kuri grib pievienoties mūsu komandai. Mēs esam izveidojuši pievilcīgu un ērtu darba vidi, lai mūsu komanda justos labi un droši. Tai skaitā mēs piedāvājam konkurētspējīgu atalgojumu, karjeras izaugsmes iespējas, interesantāku darbu, kā arī citas priekšrocības, lai paaugstinātu jūsu potenciālu, atvērtību un radošumu. Pārliecinās par visu pats un kļūsti par vērtīgu SIA “Media Solutions” speciālistu un neatņemamo komandas daļu! Nosūti mums informāciju par sevi un savām prasmēm, izmantojot saziņas formu.

You’ll be working closely with our production team, including design staff and developers, to build cool stuff for our clients. Speaking of clients, most of ours are companies, organizations and people who we feel are making a positive impact in the world. So if you’re interested in doing rewarding work that you can be proud of, we just might be the right place for you.



Design, develop and maintain core web rendering platforms

Work with PMs and UX to design new application features, build out those features and support them on an on-going basis

Build polished user experiences that build Maven brand sentiment with users

Design features for both anonymous and logged in users

Create standalone and reusable components

Support a variety of modern browsers and devices

Consider legal, security, marketing, and other business requirements

Work harmoniously with other engineers following Maven’s established software development practices and tools (git workflows, pull requests, coding standards, etc.)

We are looking for a PHP Developer responsible for developing and managing back- end services. You will work on high-scalable products on a cloud-based infrastructure and collaborate with developers who constantly challenge themselves to raise the bar of what is “state of the art” technology. Leap to the next level in your career and shape the online experience of millions of customers by building the best digital infrastructure.



Expert in Core PHP and Laravel MVC Framework with over 3 years of relevant experience
Expert with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Bootstrap
Excellent understanding of object oriented programming / functional programming
Experience with Relational Databases (MySQL)
Familiar with JavaScript frameworks like Angular, React
Experience with GIT source control
Experience using Google Cloud or AWS
Enthusiasm for new technologies and tools
Ability & Readiness to work with any technology
Familiarity with software development methodology and release processes
Strong problem-solving skills and excellent communication skills

SIA "Media Solutions" is seeking a SQL Developer to join our team. The SQL Developer will work with our team to define software requirements to produce and implement functional software solutions. We are seeking a strong SQL Developer to work with our dream team environment to deliver best software solutions to our innovative and industry-leading products.



Development of high quality database solutions 

Develop, implement and optimize stored procedures and functions using T-SQL

Review and interpret ongoing business report requirements

Research required data

Build appropriate and useful reporting deliverables

Analyze existing SQL queries for performance improvements

Suggest new queries

Develop procedures and scripts for data migration

Provide timely scheduled management reporting

Investigate exceptions with regard to asset movements

Contact usKontakti

  • Dzirnavu iela 37 - 41, Riga, LV-1010
  • info@media-solutions.lv